Newsletter Apr 5, 2023
Social Capital

Editor's Note

Welcome to the latest edition of the Social Capital Newsletter. Social Capital is an intangible asset at the heart of a new and dynamic view of success, one that is changing business and the world as we know it. The foundation of a Social Capital company is a focus on people--employees, customers, and in the community. We're at a moment in time where technology is changing just about every aspect of life and paving the way to an abundance the planet has never experienced before. In "We Can Make Technology The Path Out Of Poverty," entrepreneur Antonio Nuno, founder of Someone Somewhere, offers his optimistic take on the latest innovations from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. However, he also highlights a missed opportunity to create technology that helps people living in extreme poverty--and offers his prescription for how to address this gap. Don't miss this timely piece. 

We Can Make Technology The Path Out Of Poverty

I just spent the last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas ... Every tech company comes here to launch its most exciting breakthroughs, so it's a great way to see where some of the most brilliant people are focusing their talents.

Trending Social Capital Stories
The Forgotten Employee Benefit That Pays Off Big Time

Grokker CEO Lorna Borenstein reveals how to create a winning culture cost-effectively.

You may have missed
Night Stand

Good Power: Leading Positive Change in Our Lives, Work and World

Ginny Rometty was a groundbreaker as the chairman and CEO of IBM, and in Good Power, she reveals a playbook for using your influence as a leader to bring about positive change in the world. In this "memoir with purpose," Rometty reveals the five principles that have guided her leadership style: be "in service" of others, build belief, know what must change and what must endure, steward good tech and be resilient. If you're looking for inspiration to do big things as a Social Capital leader, you'll find this in her story of evolution from a first-time manager to a high-impact and world-famous CEO.


Picnic season is upon us, and it's easier than ever to enjoy lunch or dinner at your favorite parks and attractions sustainably. Treat yourself to a the Package Free Lunch Kit with Stainless Steel Divider Container and Bamboo Cutlery Set ($40) so you never have to head out with a bunch of plastic bags and toss-away forks again. For more on sustainable dining, see "Chipotle's Amazing Recipe For A Better World." 

Coming Up

STAR Harbor Academy Proves The Sky Is Not The Limit: Founder Maraia Tanner Shares What Capitalism Can Do To Open Up Opportunities In Space. (Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter so you don't miss any stories like this here.)


Americans are losing faith in the value of a college education, because more are questioning whether the price tag is worth it, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NORC poll. Data like this underline the value of all of the innovation Social Capital leaders are undertaking in education, as you can read about in "Nerdy's Online Tutoring Helps Schools Tackle America's Education Crisis" and "Austin Allred Will Pay You To Hire His Graduates!"

Social Capital in Action

Women's health has often been an afterthought in research studies and pharmaceutical trials. But thanks to Social Capital companies, that is changing. In "Hologic Stands Up To Business As Usual To Prioritize Women's Health," CEO Steve MacMillan shows how he is setting the pace for change by pushing for a "what gets measured gets results tool." 

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