Newsletter Jun 29, 2022
Social Capital

Editor's Note

Welcome to the latest edition of the Social Capital Newsletter. Social Capital is an intangible asset at the heart of a new and dynamic view of success, one that is changing business and the world as we know it during one of the most difficult and turbulent times in recent history. Brian Scudamore has brought a unique vision to world of entrepreneurship since founding his iconic business 1-800-GOT-JUNK. One secret to successfully scaling that brand and the others he has started has been developing deep relationships with his team. His motto is one that any Social Capital CEO can embrace: "Let's do everything for our people." Building fun into the company's daily operations is a big part of that. You can read more in "Brian Scudamore Takes Business Personally" and in a free-flowing interview with IBT Editor-at-Large Chris Benguhe, the visionary behind our Social Capital team. 

Brian Scudamore Takes Business Personally

O2E founder and CEO fuels success on fun and company-wide interpersonal connections.

Trending Social Capital Stories
Chipotle's Amazing Recipe For A Better World (Part II)

Brian Niccol shoots straight about leading and listening.

You may have missed
Night Stand

The Spirit to Serve: Marriott's Way

If you're a frequent traveler, you've probably found that Marriott brings a uniquely friendly spin to the multinational hotel chain. That has a lot to do with the Social Capital philosophy that underlies everything the company does, from greeting customers to selecting the vendors who provide those little bottles of shampoo in your room. In The Spirit to Serve: Marriott's Way, J.W. Marriott, Jr., unpacks the company's unique approach to hospitality--one that extends to its own team--with lessons that apply to every industry. And for more on the Marriott Way, check out our story, "The Legacy of Marriott: Almost a Century of Sticking By Its People."


It's summer time and the living is easy, especially if you have the right hammock. We recommend The Kayaker by the environmentally-friendly company Deckhand Manufacturing (about $250). The hammocks are made from U.S. manufactured surplus materials in Bellingham, Wash. to avoid waste. If you love camping, you'll be delighted to know that these hammocks are designed for overnight sleeping in a cocoon design that will keep you snug. These hammocks will give you the perfect excuse for a weekend getaway.

Coming Up

Why Authenticity Matters More Than Ever: Canned doesn't cut it today, with both customers and employees craving what's rea. 


Teen summer employment is poised to begin a slow comeback. In summer 2021, more than 6 million U.S. teens--or 36.6%--had a summer job, according to Pew Research, and signs are looking auspicious for 2022. Our take: There's no better way to nurture a future generation of Social Capital leaders than by bringing them onboard early and sharing your company's values with them. 

Social Capital in Action

Many Americans are asking big questions as they consider their jobs and careers: Why should I work here? Why should I invest so much of my life and my job with this company? In "Antidote to the Great Resignation: Finding and Putting Meaning in Work," Hubert Joly, former CEO of Best Buy, reveals how he turned around the once-troubled electronics chain with an approach to leadership that puts the company's people front and center, giving them opportunities to do their best work, build prosperity and to create a better future in partnership with their employer. If you're looking for ideas on how to build loyalty among your team, you won't want to miss this piece. 

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