Newsletter Feb 19, 2021
Touchdown: NASA's Perseverance rover ready to search for life on Mars

The US is also preparing for an eventual human mission to the planet sometime in the 2030s, though planning remains very preliminary.

London Fashion Week goes virtual as Covid bites

To increase the visibility of young talent in the pandemic, the British Fashion Council, which represents the industry, has partnered with the social media giant TikTok.

UK experts pinpoint animals most likely to cause next coronavirus outbreak
The study aims to promote thorough monitoring of animals that are likely to breed coronaviruses, and not to demonise them.
Deadly winter storm blankets eastern US in snow
More than 30 storm-related deaths have been reported by US media since the cold weather arrived last week, many in traffic accidents.
UK top court to rule on Uber drivers' status
Uber is calling for companies in the sector to form a joint fund that would allow drivers who work for different apps to be able to access protections and benefits such as paid holidays.
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