DJIA | 37,557.92 | 0.68% |
S&P 500 | 4,768.37 | 0.59% |
Nasdaq Composite | 15,003.22 | 0.66% |
Japan: Nikkei 225 | 33,219.39 | 1.41% |
UK: FTSE 100 | 7,638.03 | 0.31% |
Crude Oil Futures | 73.58 | 1.53% |
Gold Futures | 2,053.10 | 0.05% |
Yen | 144.02 | 0.13% |
Euro | 1.10 | -0.05% | * As of market close |
Meta charged with mishandling war posts
Spain, Germany surpass 50% energy goals
Spain and Germany's shares of electrical generation from renewable sources surpassed 50% for the first time in 2023, Spain said that "50% of the electricity generated was of renewable origin, a figure which in 2023 is up from 42% last year," making Spain the second European country outside of Scandinavia to reach this target for the first time this year. Germany saw renewable power generation climb to 53% in 2023, up from 44% in 2022, according to preliminary data released Monday. SOLAR POWER HELPING EU NATIONS REACH ENERGY GOALS
Paris Games shaping up to be a pricy affair
Extra point
Name the only continent and country to cross into all four hemispheres. Tuesday's answer: In addition to the Republic of Texas, the Vermont Republic is the only other US state to once be a nation. Though not recognized by the British government nor the Continental Congress, Vermont considered itself an independent country from 1777 to 1791.
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